Champion Mindset Series: Why Very Few People Succeed
You want to know why very few people actually achieve their goals and dreams?
It’s because quitting is ALWAYS easier than pushing through. Our brains use defense mechanisms subconsciously in order to ward off and protect ourselves from hardships and struggle. This is normal.
But you need to learn to identify when this is happening, and remember that the struggle and the hardships are a NECESSITY to becoming the best.
For example; Your goal is get in better shape. You come home from work or school and you're tired and don't feel like going to the gym. What's easier: Laying on the couch and watching TV for the rest of the night; OR pushing through and going to the gym anyways. It's a simple answer and a simple decision for average people. We're programmed to want to take the easier route and park our ass on the couch.
But what you don't think about is that although it may be an easier choice in the moment, what you're actually doing is making your life harder in the future and setting your self further from your goals in the process.
Furthermore, many people fail to realize that discipline is directly related to happiness. The more discipline you have, the happier you will be. Weird concept right? When you take actions that you KNOW are hard, and when you do things you know you need to do when you don't feel like doing them, what happens is you create a sense of confidence and pride that you followed through and did what most weren't willing to do. When you finish that task and choose the hard route that will get you that one step closer to your goals I GUARANTEE you will feel happy after. You'll be proud of yourself. As you should be.
It's when you don't take action, don't put in the work to discover your potential, and don't do the things you promised yourself you were going to do that we become unhappy with ourselves. Why? Because you're letting yourself down. You're lying to yourself over and over telling yourself you're going to take action and then never following through. Would you trust a friend if they always lied to you or said they were going to do something and then broke their promise? No. So why do you think it's ok to break promises to yourself?
The key is to identify that choosing the easier route will almost never get you closer to your goals, and it will create a life of constant unhappiness.
Very few realize the long term sacrifice that comes with success in anything, and even fewer are willing to go through it without giving up. Just remember; It’s always too early to quit.
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