Champion Mindset Series: The #1 Key to Success

The #1 Key to Success

In the Champion Mindset Series we discuss how to think your way to success on a practical level, and an inspirational level. These blogs are designed to give you insight in how to dominate your mind and take action towards achieving your goals.

Let's start off the with the most important concept you can possibly understand to become successful at anything and it's very simple: 

  • You must do the things you know you need to do when you DON'T feel like doing them.

Anyone can take action when they feel like it, but it's what you do when you DON'T feel like doing that workout, when you don't feel like giving it 100% in practice, when you're sick, when you're tired, when you're stressed. What do you do in those moments? 

  • Successful people take action towards their goals regardless of how they FEEL. They understand that something needs to be done ESPECIALLY when they don't feel like doing it. 

Separate yourself from emotion and understand that taking action no matter what is the biggest separator between people who achieve what they want and people who don't. The reason for this is because NOBODY is switched on all the time. We all struggle, we all have obstacles, we all have mental barriers to overcome. That's okay. But if we only acted when we felt inspired to do so we wouldn't get very far now would we? 


  • Identify your dreams and make goals.
  • Act on those goals every single day regardless of how you feel.
  • Ignore your emotions and keep those goals in the back of your head so you can remember why you're doing these things.

The price you will pay and the suffering you will go through to make your dream become a reality is infinitely smaller than the price that you will pay if you never do.

So ask yourself: What are you willing to risk? What’s the price you’re willing to pay? You cannot win from a place of fear and regret. Take action and never quit.

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